It's true, I've been away from SL for a bit. I come back to find this SLink foot thing. And I am CONFUSED. SLink shoes seemingly cannot be worn without the feet.
Unlike the fake breast uprising if you don't have the feet (and there are 3 to buy) you cannot wear the shoes. WHHHHAAAT? I was ready to just go on my merry no SLink foot way until I made the mistake of doing a hunt that wasn't free. Not knowing what each gift was, of course, I come home and end up trying on at least three pairs of shoes that I had "paid" for (please understand it wasn't much) and I cannot use them. I took my little avie to SLink central, grab the demo, spend awhile reading the directions and trying the demo. Heck, I even grabbed the SLink head and gave that a try...and to that end I truly hope it doesn't catch on.
Overall, the fake foot seemed ok. I nearly got the skin to match, depending on what windlight setting I was using. I am sitting here unsure how to deal with the SLink thing. Do I go spend 675L x 3 (low, mid, and high) so I can prance around wearing more lag causing feet??
To be fair to the SLink thing I have never understood the alpha/fake foot thing. It never matches anyone's skin. They always look awful except on your screen. The HUDS are a joke almost always. I could go on and on.
I get the mesh breasts. Women really do have greatly varying chest sizes. I'm not a fan, but I get it. I nearly get the SLink hands. I've never been able to get a set of fake nails on my avie - but I can live with that. But feet and heads?
So comment down below and let me know what you think!